story q staking validator $(story keys show wallet --bech val
💲 Token management
Withdraw rewards from all validators
story tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from wallet --chain-id odyssey --gas-adjustment 1.4 --gas auto -y
Withdraw commission and rewards from your validator
story tx distribution withdraw-rewards $(story keys show wallet --bech val -a) --commission --from wallet --chain-id odyssey --gas-adjustment 1.4 --gas auto --y
Delegate tokens to yourself
story tx staking delegate $(story keys show wallet --bech val -a) 1000000stake --from wallet --chain-id odyssey --gas-adjustment 1.4 --gas auto -y
Delegate tokens to validator
story tx staking delegate <TO_VALOPER_ADDRESS> 1000000.story --from wallet --chain-id odyssey --gas-adjustment 1.4 --gas auto -y
Redelegate tokens to another validator
story tx staking redelegate $(story keys show wallet --bech val <TO_VALOPER_ADDRESS> 1000000stake --from wallet --chain-id odyssey --gas-adjustment 1.4 --gas auto -y
Unbond tokens from your validator
story tx staking unbond $(story keys show wallet --bech val -a) 1000000stake --from wallet --chain-id odyssey --gas-adjustment 1.4 --gas auto -y
Send tokens to the wallet
story tx bank send wallet <TO_WALLET_ADDRESS> 1000000stake --from wallet --chain-id odyssey
🗳 Governance
List all proposals
story query gov proposals
View proposal by id
story query gov proposal 1
Vote 'Yes'
story tx gov vote 1 yes --from wallet --chain-id odyssey --gas-adjustment 1.4 --gas auto -y
Vote 'No'
story tx gov vote 1 no --from wallet --chain-id odyssey --gas-adjustment 1.4 --gas auto -y
Vote 'Abstain'
story tx gov vote 1 abstain --from wallet --chain-id odyssey --gas-adjustment 1.4 --gas auto -y
Vote 'NoWithVeto'
story tx gov vote 1 nowithveto --from wallet --chain-id odyssey --gas-adjustment 1.4 --gas auto -y
echo $(story tendermint show-node-id)'@'$(curl -s':'$(cat $HOME/.story/config/config.toml | sed -n '/Address to listen for incoming connection/{n;p;}' | sed 's/.*://; s/".*//')